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alias WrenBindForeignClassFn = WrenForeignClassMethods function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* module_, const(char)* className)
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alias WrenBindForeignMethodFn = void function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* module_, const(char)* className, bool isStatic, const(char)* signature) function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* module_, const(char)* className, bool isStatic, const(char)* signature)
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alias WrenErrorFn = void function(WrenVM* vm, WrenErrorType type, const(char)* module_, int line, const(char)* message)
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alias WrenFinalizerFn = void function(void* data)
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alias WrenForeignMethodFn = void function(WrenVM* vm)
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alias WrenLoadModuleCompleteFn = void function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* name, WrenLoadModuleResult result)
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alias WrenLoadModuleFn = WrenLoadModuleResult function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* name)
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alias WrenReallocateFn = void* function(void* memory, size_t newSize, void* userData)
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alias WrenResolveModuleFn = const(char)* function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* importer, const(char)* name)
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alias WrenWriteFn = void function(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* text)
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enum WrenErrorType
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enum WrenInterpretResult
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enum WrenType
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void wrenAbortFiber(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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WrenInterpretResult wrenCall(WrenVM* vm, WrenHandle* method)
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void wrenCollectGarbage(WrenVM* vm)
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void wrenEnsureSlots(WrenVM* vm, int numSlots)
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void wrenFreeVM(WrenVM* vm)
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int wrenGetListCount(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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void wrenGetListElement(WrenVM* vm, int listSlot, int index, int elementSlot)
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bool wrenGetMapContainsKey(WrenVM* vm, int mapSlot, int keySlot)
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int wrenGetMapCount(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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void wrenGetMapValue(WrenVM* vm, int mapSlot, int keySlot, int valueSlot)
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bool wrenGetSlotBool(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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const(char)* wrenGetSlotBytes(WrenVM* vm, int slot, int* length)
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int wrenGetSlotCount(WrenVM* vm)
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double wrenGetSlotDouble(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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void* wrenGetSlotForeign(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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WrenHandle* wrenGetSlotHandle(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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const(char)* wrenGetSlotString(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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WrenType wrenGetSlotType(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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void* wrenGetUserData(WrenVM* vm)
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void wrenGetVariable(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* module_, const(char)* name, int slot)
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int wrenGetVersionNumber()
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bool wrenHasModule(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* module_)
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bool wrenHasVariable(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* module_, const(char)* name)
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void wrenInitConfiguration(WrenConfiguration* configuration)
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void wrenInsertInList(WrenVM* vm, int listSlot, int index, int elementSlot)
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WrenInterpretResult wrenInterpret(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* module_, const(char)* source)
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WrenHandle* wrenMakeCallHandle(WrenVM* vm, const(char)* signature)
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WrenVM* wrenNewVM(WrenConfiguration* configuration)
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void wrenReleaseHandle(WrenVM* vm, WrenHandle* handle)
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void wrenRemoveMapValue(WrenVM* vm, int mapSlot, int keySlot, int removedValueSlot)
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void wrenSetListElement(WrenVM* vm, int listSlot, int index, int elementSlot)
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void wrenSetMapValue(WrenVM* vm, int mapSlot, int keySlot, int valueSlot)
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void wrenSetSlotBool(WrenVM* vm, int slot, bool value)
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void wrenSetSlotBytes(WrenVM* vm, int slot, const(char)* bytes, size_t length)
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void wrenSetSlotDouble(WrenVM* vm, int slot, double value)
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void wrenSetSlotHandle(WrenVM* vm, int slot, WrenHandle* handle)
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void* wrenSetSlotNewForeign(WrenVM* vm, int slot, int classSlot, size_t size)
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void wrenSetSlotNewList(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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void wrenSetSlotNewMap(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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void wrenSetSlotNull(WrenVM* vm, int slot)
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void wrenSetSlotString(WrenVM* vm, int slot, const(char)* text)
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void wrenSetUserData(WrenVM* vm, void* userData)
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Manifest constants

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struct WrenConfiguration
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struct WrenForeignClassMethods
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struct WrenHandle
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struct WrenLoadModuleResult
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struct WrenVM
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